Monday, October 18, 2021

Benefits from DA-SAAD program fulfills a farmer’s duty for son

 By Rene V. Carbayas


When does a father’s duty for his son ends? When he gets married? Not for this traditional Muslim father, who believes that he is still obligated to his marrying son.


In a story the Department of Agriculture shared, this hardworking and amusing, Lasah Idan is a farmer from Tubod, Talipao, Sulu who became one of the Department of Agriculture-Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program beneficiaries in 2019.


Idan, 46, shared before he resided in Tubod, he was a fisherman in Luuk. “I used to sell fish and seaweeds to support my family’s needs. When I met my wife at the age of 22, we moved to Tubod,” Idan recalled.

As a SAAD beneficiary, Idan received some farm tools, farm fencing materials, vegetable seeds, and a cassava grater and presser.


“I only know fishing and farming as a way to earn a living.  My parents were farmers. When we were young, they taught us how to plant, and that’s when I learned and acquired my farming skills. It is somehow adaptable since I am already used to farming,” Idan said.


Just after a year of planting cassava, Idan was able to harvest his crop along with some corn and squash in his one-hectare farm. That year, he earned ₱68,000 from cassava, ₱28,000 from squash and ₱17,000 from his plantation of corn.


From June 6 to 9 2021, Idan again was able to harvest his corn and squash. He earned ₱10,500 from the 3,000 pieces of corn and four times more than his last harvest of squash. The 2,500 pieces of squash earned him a total of ₱125,000.00.


“My income from SAAD livelihood intervention was spent for my son’s wedding. It was used for the dowry and to all expenses needed in the preparation and wedding. As a father, it is my obligation to let my son marry and provide for the family, as a respect to our Muslim tradition,” expressed Idan, who felt very proud.


“I always put my family first. And if I were to compare our life before SAAD, I can say that it was not only the income that improves but also our welfare,” he added.


Idan was very grateful from the day he met the SAAD Area Coordinator in Talipao, Analisa U. Dauring. He said that Dauring was very patient and conducted the orientation before the projects were given to them.


“Ma’am Ann is very supportive from the start until the program was really implemented in our barangay. I cannot express how happy I was when I first received the fencing materials. I was very excited that I immediately installed the fences (in my farm). SAAD is a blessing for us farmers who almost lost our hope to improve our lives,” Idan said.


Hja. Nuriyam Tulawie, barangay chairperson in Tubod also noticed the delight in Idan when he and other farmers received the SAAD assistance.


“I consider him one of the most hardworking farmers here in our barangay, and we are grateful of the success that he has achieved. We thank DA-SAAD for the help,” said the barangay chieftain.


Idan now wants his two daughters to finish school. He has big dreams for his children.


He said, “it is the only thing that I can give to them aside from teaching them some farming skills. I want them to finish their studies and let them do what they really want to do.”


The total project given to Tubod farmers consists of 10 bags of corn (Php 1,730 per bag), 30 bags of unshelled peanuts (Php 1,730), 30 rolls barbwire (Php 2,185.75 per roll); 110 rolls of hogwire (Php 2,000 per roll); 120 bags of organic fertilizer (Php 480 per bag); farm tools consisting 10 pcs of shovel (Php 450 per piece), pick mattock (Php 505 per piece), and scythe (Php 450 per piece); and one cassava grater with presser (Php 181,500 per unit) for communal use. (EDT/RVC/PIA9 with reports from Shara Malaica Ussam/DA-RFO IX, SAAD)

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